[X] Year in Review 2024

Paper: Anatolian genetic ancestry in North Lebanese populations

Lebanon’s rich history as a cultural crossroad spanning millennia has significantly impacted the genetic composition of its population through successive waves of migration and conquests from surrounding regions. Within modern-day Lebanon, the Koura district stands out with its unique cultural foundations, primarily characterized by a notably high concentration of Greek Orthodox Christians compared to the rest of the country. This study investigates whether the prevalence of Greek Orthodoxy in Koura can be attributed to modern Greek heritage or continuous blending resulting from the ongoing influx of refugees and trade interactions with Greece and Anatolia. We analyzed both ancient and modern DNA data from various populations in the region which could have played a role in shaping the current population of Koura using our own and published data. Our findings indicate that the genetic influence stemming directly from modern Greek immigration into the area appears to be limited. While the historical presence of Greek colonies has left its mark on the region’s past, the distinctive character of Koura seems to have been primarily shaped by cultural and political factors, displaying a stronger genetic connection mostly with Anatolia, with affinity to ancient but not modern Greeks.

Link to paper – www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-66191-x.epdf

[Upcoming] A Conversation with Nassim Nicholas Taleb (2024)

A Conversation with Nassim Nicholas Taleb 2024

Event Invitation: A Conversation with Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Hosted by: The Institute of Political Science at the Saint Joseph University of Beirut and Kulluna Irada

Event Title: From Ponzi to Antifragility, 4 Years Later

Featuring: Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Topics: Gaza, Centralization, the Lebanese Economy, and Conspirationism

Moderator: Karim Emile Bitar

Date and Time: Thursday, January 11, 2024, at 6 PM

Location: Gulbenkian Auditorium, USJ Social Sciences Campus, Huvelin Street, Achrafieh

Virtual Attendance via Zoom:

  • Meeting ID: 897 7958 0201
  • Passcode: 588528

Join us for an insightful evening with Nassim Nicholas Taleb, discussing critical contemporary issues in a conversation moderated by Karim Emile Bitar.

[The Guardian] The UK’s coronavirus policy may sound scientific. It isn’t

Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Yaneer Bar-Yam

When, along with applied systems scientist Dr Joe Norman, we first reacted to coronavirus on 25 January with the publication of an academic note urging caution, the virus had reportedly infected fewer than 2,000 people worldwide and fewer than 60 people were dead. That number need not have been so high.

Link: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/25/…cummings

[Medium] Corporate Socialism: The Government is Bailing Out Investors & Managers Not You

The U.S. government is enacting measures to save the airlines, Boeing, and similarly affected corporations. While we clearly insist that these companies must be saved, there may be ethical, economic, and structural problems associated with the details of the execution. As a matter of fact, if you study the history of bailouts, there will be.

Link: https://medium.com/incerto/corporate-socialism-the…3b31a67bff4a

Medium: IQ is largely a pseudoscientific swindle

Background : “IQ” is a stale test meant to measure mental capacity but in fact mostly measures extreme unintelligence (learning difficulties) as well as, to a lesser extent, a form of intelligence, stripped of 2nd order effects. It is via negativa not via positiva. It is meant to select exam-takers, paper shufflers, obedient IYIs (intellectuals yet idiots), ill adapted for “real life”. 

Link: https://medium.com/incerto/iq-is-largely-a-pseudoscientific-swindle

Bloomberg: Nassim Says World Is More Fragile Today Than in 2007

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, scientific advisor at Universa Investments, discusses the factors causing global fragility, hidden liabilities in global markets, and what he sees as safe trades in the current market. He speaks with Bloomberg’s Erik Schatzker on “Bloomberg Markets.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Link: https://www. bloomberg .com/ news/ videos/ 2018-10-31/ taleb-says-world-is…

Nassim Taleb speaking at RPI Peace and Prosperity 2018: Media & War

From the website:

The third annual Ron Paul Institute Washington, DC, Peace and Prosperity Conference includes a special focus on the symbiosis between the mainstream media and the warfare state. How does the mainstream media promote war and, conversely, how does the war machine promote the mainstream media? How do the militarist interventionists collude with the mainstream media to prevent alternative media from having a voice? Remember “PropOrNot”? The Atlancic Council? “Hamilton 68”? How does the US government misuse its citizens’ money to propgandize them into supporting endless, winless, pointless wars? To propagandize them into viewing any alternative media questioning the permanent warfare state as “unpatriotic” or even “agents of a foreign power”?

Sat, August 18, 2018
9:30 AM – 3:30 PM EDT

Washington Dulles Airport Marriott
45020 Aviation Drive
Dulles, VA 20166
United States

For tickets go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rpi…