Motley Fool Money Radio Show chats with Nassim Taleb (full length audio) link: http:// feed proxy. google. com/ ~r/ Motley Fool Money/~5/ l8vbg4tKAsk/ 12_07_2012_ Motley_Fool_Money.mp3
Month: December 2012
Rana Mitter talks to Nassim Taleb to test the robustness of his ideas, on Night Waves (BBC)
Nassim Taleb, the banker-turned-philosopher who predicted the financial collapse of 2008, has been called ‘the hottest thinker in the world’. His internationally bestselling book, The Black Swan, was about the impact of rare, unpredictable events. In his latest book he expands on this theory and comes up with the concept of ‘antifragile’ – the idea that through small shocks and surprises humans (and financial systems) can become more than robust – they can thrive and become antifragile. But critics have labelled this theory ‘antisocial’. Rana Mitter meets Nassim Taleb to test the robustness of his ideas, on Night Waves, at 10pm.
Audio Link: http:// www. bbc. co. uk/ programmes/ b01nzq6p
Nassim Taleb discusses Antifragile on Kojo Nnamdi Show
From the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks to the 2008 financial collapse, many of the most consequential events in recent history caught government and investors off guard. In 2007, Nassim Nicholas Taleb provided a highly influential framework for explaining, and adapting to, these unpredictable shocks to political and financial systems, with his book “The Black Swan.” His latest work, “Antifragile,” expands on his theory of the unknown to explain how we can succeed and thrive in a world ruled by disorder.
Link: http:// the kojonnamdi show. org/ shows/ 2012-12-03/ antifragile- things- gain- disorder
Direct Audio Link: http:// the kojonnamdi show. org/ audio-player?nid= 22510
Nassim Taleb on Chanel 4 News (UK)
Author Nassim Taleb calls for symbolic action against bankers.
Nassim Taleb on CNBC – How to Profit From Chaos
Nassim Taleb in Conversation With Ed Smith Explaining Antifragile
Penguin and 5×15 Events presents Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of Antifragile, in conversation with Ed Smith journalist and ex-pro cricketer. The talk took place at the Union Chapel in Islington on November 26th 2012 and was watched by an audience of over 650 people.