The history of Universa Investments featuring Nassim Taleb and Mark Spitznagel discussing tail hedging, their 20+ years of working together, and the importance of risk mitigation in investing.
Tag: Black Swan
[YouTube] On Warnings over Systemic Risks from Global Pandemics
Nassim Taleb, Universa Investment’s scientific advisor and distinguished professor of risk engineering at NYU, warned of an acute virus spreading throughout the planet in his 2007 book “The Black Swan.” In January, he also warned of the systemic risks of the coronavirus pandemic. He joins “Squawk Box” to discuss.
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[Medium] Corporate Socialism: The Government is Bailing Out Investors & Managers Not You
The U.S. government is enacting measures to save the airlines, Boeing, and similarly affected corporations. While we clearly insist that these companies must be saved, there may be ethical, economic, and structural problems associated with the details of the execution. As a matter of fact, if you study the history of bailouts, there will be.
BBC Radio 4: Nassim on why the Coronavirus Pandemic is not a Black Swan
*Footnote: by antibiotic-resistant he meant “antibiotic-resistant bacterium”.
What to expect from the 2020s: the world’s big thinkers make their predictions
Link to full article:
[Podcast] The Beirut Banyan EPISODE 81: Nassim Nicholas Taleb & Local Solutions for Lebanon
Nassim joins Episode 81 of The Beirut Banyan and they discuss the October 17 Revolution and Lebanon’s modern history within the context of complex systems and local structures.
[YouTube] Nassim’s interview with Mahmoud Rasmi of Bel Lebnene about the Current Lebanese Political and Economic Situation
Nassim talks about the current Lebanese economic and political situation (With English Subtitles).
Nassim is back posting on Facebook
Nassim has updated his followers on Facebook regarding his latest work debunking IQ science.
[YouTube] It is a 10 Sigma Event or are You wrong about the World? Wittgenstein’s Ruler
When someone tells you it was a 10 sigma event, meaning it is 10 standard deviations and it is Gaussian; unless the information came from God, you can reject the Gaussian distribution for that domain. We show the derivations.
This is extracted from my book.
IQ is a scientific swindle –A brief explanation of the math
Link to YouTube video –