» Property Soul, Notes from a Singapore property investor writes Six reasons why property is not an antifragile investment after meeting Nassim at his recent talk there.
» Zero Hedge talks Antifragility on Prepared? When Ebola hits your town you will want to be antifragile.
» Nouriel Roubini on CNBC reveals his black swan scenarios.
» Business Insider names Nassim one of The 25 Most Successful Wharton Business School Graduates.
» Antifragility explored when applied to raising children on Why Parents Inadvertently Hinder The Success Of Their Children on Forbes.
» Lorin Hochstein discusses the fragile side of cloud software concluding the “future of cloud software is systems that fail much less often, but much harder” on Cloud software, fragility and Air France 447.
Got any other links? Let us know in the comments!