[Twitter] Nassim Taleb announces female scholarships open for virtual #RWRI 19 (Real World Risk Workshop) 2024

“Friends, we have female scholarships (up to 99.999999999%) open for this summer’s virtual #RWRI 19…” Taleb tweeted.

Nassim Taleb announces #RWRI (Real World Risk Workshop) 2024

Workshop organized by the Real World Risk Institute. The workshop is an intense 10-day online program, and the 19th edition will take place from Jun 25- Jul 5, 2024.

[YouTube] COVID Risk Conversation: Yaneer Bar-Yam and Nassim Nicholas Taleb

A continuation of Nassim and Yaneer’s regular conversation. In this video, they discuss:

1) The errors in ignoring scaling for pandemics. Why a doctor’s micro-expertise doesn’t transfer to collective risks?

2) How evidence-based medicine is closer to anecdote based medicine owing to silent risks?

3) The risks of morbidity must be accounted for.

4) How the dangers of vaccines do not scale.

[EndCoronavirus.Org] Town Hall discussion with Yaneer Bar-Yam

Nassim Taleb joins EndCoronavirus.org Founder, Yaneer Bar-Yam, for a Town Hall discussion.
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