“Friends, we have female scholarships (up to 99.999999999%) open for this summer’s virtual #RWRI 19…” Taleb tweeted.
Tag: Pasquale Cirillo
Nassim Taleb announces #RWRI (Real World Risk Workshop) 2024
Workshop organized by the Real World Risk Institute. The workshop is an intense 10-day online program, and the 19th edition will take place from Jun 25- Jul 5, 2024.
[YouTube] Claims that Violence Has Dropped Are Not Statistical
Violence is from Extremistan, hence requires some more sophisticated tools since LLN works slowly. We see how Pinker’s thesis is bogus. We look at ways to integrate the factual unreliability of historical accounts. We look at transformations to analyze violence using Power law tools since the worst case is bounded at the contemporary population level.
Links to Papers with Pasquale Cirillo
On the statistical properties and tail risk of violent conflicts [TECHNICAL, PHYSICA A]
The Decline of Violent Conflicts: What Do the Data Really Say? [NONTECHNICAL, NOBEL FOUNDATION]
[Upcoming] Tail risk of contagious diseases: a conversation with Nassim Nicholas Taleb
In this conversation, Nassim Taleb and Dr. Pasquale Cirillo speak about their paper on the tail risk of contagious diseases and other related things.
The paper will be available on this link on Monday, May 25 at 5pm (CET):
Link to the Paper – Tail risk of contagious diseases
Never use Single-point Estimates for Pandemics
Never produce a point estimate for risk management, esp. in a fat-tailed domain, rather show statistical properties. Never judge a risk management stance from point forecasts.