Just to show, in conclusion to my article “IQ is a pseudoscientific swindle”, that psychologists arguing with it proved that IQ doesn’t explain up to 99.5% of things it is supposed to explain. It’s not my data, but theirs that they did not interpret correctly.
Tag: Correlation
Nassim Nicholas Taleb Expands on His Critique of IQ and Statistical Misuse
[YouTube] Fooled by Metrics (Correlation)
A maximally simplified presentation of how metrics are random variables, and how they can be gamed. Uncorrelated variables will produce a correlation in samples.
[YouTube] Correlation: The Intuition (Doesn’t mean what people usually think it means)
A maximally intuitive presentation on what correlation is not, with maximally simplified concepts. [Note that I improvise 100% and I don’t prepare] There is a more technical lecture to come.
The technical paper is here: Fooled by Correlation: Common Misinterpretations in Social “Science”
[YouTube] Breaking down Intuitively the Concept of Standard Deviation
SIMPLIFIED TUTORIAL, 1 (in the series where we break down concepts intuitively):
Before we talk about correlation, let’s discuss standard deviation, its analog in dimension 1. People don’t get while using it as a metric for deviation!
See the whole book (gets technical beyond Chapter 5)
Link to the Book: Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails: Real World Preasymptotics, Epistemology, and Applications
[YouTube] Correlation measures are misused in the presence of nonlinearities
Correlation measures are misused in the presence of nonlinearities.
(How a measure of unintelligence can give the illusion of high correlation with performance.)
Correlation measures are not supposed to be used in the presence of nonlinearities. When 2 variables correlate half the time (in a symmetric way around the mean), correlation will not be 50% but will show ~90%. Part of debunking IQ studies. If IQ works for disabilities but does not correlate with success, there is an illusion of correlation because of the biases in the metric.
Correlation is not Additive with Some Consequences for Subsamples
How the correlation of subsections will be lower than the total (in absolute value). With implications for “empirical” research.
Link to PDF – https://www.dropbox.com/s…
How Much Data Do You Need? A Pre-asymptotic Metric for Fat-tailedness
Free copy of the paper – https://arxiv.org/pdf/1802.05495.pdf