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Tag: Convexity
[YouTube] Supply Chain: The Convexity in 2 ½ minutes
An antifragility tutorial, with application to supply chains.
[YouTube] How to be Sufficiently Paranoid – 2018 Prime Quadrant Conference
Nassim gave a talk at the 2018 Prime Quadrant Conference in Toronto, titled “How to be Sufficiently Paranoid.”
Technical Incerto, Vol 2: Convexity, Risk, and Fragility
From Nassim’s Twitter:
So the TECHNICAL INCERTO is online:
VOL1- The Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails
https:// nassimtaleb. org/ 2018/ 08/ technical- incerto- vol- 1…VOL2- Convexity, Risk, and Fragility (in progress)
https://www. dropbox. com/s/ hslpj8xcqtszmvv/ Technical…
Link to Tweet: https:// twitter. com/ nntaleb/ status/…
Technical Notes for Antifragile: Medicine and Convexity (Antifragility)
Nassim has released the “Medicine and Convexity (Antifragility), a summary (technical) sheet” on his Facebook Page.
Additional Notes For Antifragile. Note 1- Medicine and Convexity (Antifragility):
A brief explanation of nonlinearities as detection of risk in medicine (from antifragile), directly from mathematical necessities, or the ideas behind Antifragile.
Link (PDF): http: // www. fooled by randomness. com/ medconvex