Nassim Taleb speaking at RPI Peace and Prosperity 2018: Media & War

From the website:

The third annual Ron Paul Institute Washington, DC, Peace and Prosperity Conference includes a special focus on the symbiosis between the mainstream media and the warfare state. How does the mainstream media promote war and, conversely, how does the war machine promote the mainstream media? How do the militarist interventionists collude with the mainstream media to prevent alternative media from having a voice? Remember “PropOrNot”? The Atlancic Council? “Hamilton 68”? How does the US government misuse its citizens’ money to propgandize them into supporting endless, winless, pointless wars? To propagandize them into viewing any alternative media questioning the permanent warfare state as “unpatriotic” or even “agents of a foreign power”?

Sat, August 18, 2018
9:30 AM – 3:30 PM EDT

Washington Dulles Airport Marriott
45020 Aviation Drive
Dulles, VA 20166
United States

For tickets go to…

Nassim asking Twitter followers for feedback on the subtitle of his new upcoming book Skin In The Game (SITG)

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Nassim Criticizes Nate Silver’s Election Predictions on Twitter

Nassim Shares Chart Comparing Outcomes with Clinton as President Versus Trump

Recently on twitter, Nassim  shared this chart comparing outcomes with Clinton as president versus Trump.  In response to a question about Sanders versus Trump, he tweeted: “Bernie v. Trump I go Bernie because his domestic policies won’t go through and his foreign policies are clearer.”

comparing-outcomes-with-hillary-clinton-vs-donald-trumpHe also followed up with these tweets: “Hillary and Bush have done the most to harm minority populations in the Levant & Iraq since Genghis Khan.” “2/What I mean by rigorous is not making assumptions/ certainties when there is uncertainty. Shillary offers certainties, Trump fewer ones.”