Nassim completes 3rd edition of The Bed of Procrustes

Nassim tweeted that he added more aphorisms on the 3rd edition of his book, The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms.

The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms is a philosophy book by Nassim Nicholas Taleb written in the aphoristic style. It was first released on November 30, 2010 by Random House. An updated edition was released on October 26, 2016 that includes fifty percent more material than the 2010 edition.

[Medium] Snowden, Phony hence Traitor?

When you catch someone with a shoddy-but-carefully-curated story, Edward Snowden, producing the mother of bad faith arguments (in effect, lying) while, in addition, facilitating a character assassination (and severe cyberharassment), something very, very sinister about the person emerges that can help answer some fundamental yet still hanging questions.

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[Online] Global Technical Incerto Reading Club goes through the Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails

Global Technical Incerto Reading Club is going through the Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

They aim to cover: Chapter 10: It is what it is: diagnosing the S&P 500 Chapter 11: Probability Calibration under Fat Tails Our confirmed speakers are @Sharpe_Actuary , @MFergal and @MarcosCarreira.

Everyone is welcome to sign up at