Black Swan author Nassim Taleb says the steep plunge in Nvidia exposes the equity market’s fragility, while warning of more losses ahead. Speaking to Bloomberg’s Sonali Basak on the sidelines of Miami Hedge Fund Week, Taleb says a drawdown two or three times bigger than Monday’s 17% selloff is “absolutely in line” with what the market should expect.
Month: January 2025
[YouTube] The IQ debate, a conclusion
Just to show, in conclusion to my article “IQ is a pseudoscientific swindle”, that psychologists arguing with it proved that IQ doesn’t explain up to 99.5% of things it is supposed to explain. It’s not my data, but theirs that they did not interpret correctly.
[X] Nassim Nicholas Taleb on Multi-Testing: It’s Impossible Not to Find Statistically Significant Links Between Random Variables
It is IMPOSSIBLE to not find a statistically significant link between any 2 random variables under multi-testing. I generated 9 pairs of totally random variables, picked the highest R^2, and it beats what you see in papers. #FooledbyRandomness

Nassim Nicholas Taleb Expands on His Critique of IQ and Statistical Misuse
[X] Nassim Taleb announces #RWRI 20 (Real World Risk Workshop) 2025 (Scholarships/financial aid available)

Number 20: July 7-18, 2025; 8:30-11:45 Eastern Standard Time, plus optional afternoon discussions.
Pricing: $2,995(Scholarships/financial aid available for up to 65% of the class).
Contact: Alicia Bentham-Williams, [email protected],cc:[email protected]
[X] The Shortest Foreword on Antifragile for Two Textbooks

The foreword accompanies the following textbooks:
- Applied Antifragility in Technical Systems: From Principles to Applications
Authors:- Cristian Axenie
- Meisam Akbarzadeh
- Michail A. Makridis
- Matteo Saveriano
- Alexandru Stancu
- Applied Antifragility in Natural Systems: From Principles to Applications
Authors:- Cristian Axenie
- Roman Bauer
- Oliver López Corona
- Jeffrey West
[X] Nassim Nicholas Taleb Postpones Jaipur Literature Festival (JLF) Attendance to 2026
The Jaipur Literature Festival (JLF), often referred to as the ‘greatest literary show on Earth,’ is a globally renowned annual event that brings together prominent voices from literature, politics, science, and the arts. Held in Jaipur, India, the festival fosters intellectual engagement through insightful sessions, performances, and meaningful dialogue. The 18th edition is set to take place from January 30 to February 3, 2025, at Hotel Clarks Amer.