[X] Year in Review 2024

Paper: Informational Rescaling of PCA Maps with Application to Genetic Distance


Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a powerful multivariate tool allowing the projection of data in low-dimensional representations. Nevertheless, datapoint distances on these low-dimensional projections are challenging to interpret. Here, we propose a computationally simple heuristic to transform a map based on standard PCA (when the variables are asymptotically Gaussian) into an entropy-based map where distances are based on mutual information (MI). Moreover, we show that in certain instances our proposed scaled PCA can improve cluster identification. Rescaling principal component-based distances using MI results in a representation of relative statistical associations when, as in genetics, it is applied on bit measurements between individuals’ genomic mutual information. This entropy-rescaled PCA, while preserving order relationships (along a dimension), quantifies relative distances into information units, such as “bits”. We illustrate the effect of this rescaling using genomics data derived from world populations and describe how the interpretation of results are impacted.

Link to Paper – www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2001037024004136

[X] Foreword to a textbook on Antifragility by Jeffrey West et al.

Writing the foreword to a textbook on Antifragility by @mathoncbro et al: ANTIFRAGILITY is not a rediscovery of hormesis, but a mathematical framework uniting classes of phenomena and, centrally, transferring from the dose-response to the probabilistic domains.

[X] Nassim Nicholas Taleb to Deliver a Public Talk at the American University of Beirut on December 9

Join us for a public talk by Dr. Nasim Taleb of the Department of Industrial Engineering & Management at MSFEA. Dr. Taleb, author of a multivolume essay, the Incerto (The Black Swan, Fooled by Randomness, Antifragile, and Skin in the Game), will discuss fragility, robustness, and antifragility with applications to the current contexts of Lebanon and Palestine. Dr. Taleb’s Incerto is among the most discussed work of the 21st century. Location: Jassim Al-Qatami Engineering Lecture Hall (ELH) Date: December 09, 2024 Time: 6:00 PM