[Twitter | X] Nassim Nicholas Taleb Tweets ‘The Black Swan’ as the Most Influential 21st Century Book On August 1, 2024 By Admin In Statements, Twitter, X Dear enemies,The Black Swan is now the most influential (that is, discussed/mentioned) 21st C book.While almost all books have a half-life between 2 and 6 months, it does not appear to have a half-life. #Lindy[Same with other 4 books in the Incerto. Graph is US only] pic.twitter.com/eUYGTPtMTJ— Nassim Nicholas Taleb (@nntaleb) July 30, 2024 The other 4 books in Taleb’s “Incerto” book series: Fooled by Randomness The Bed of Procrustes Antifragile Skin in the Game