+The Turkey Problem
+ Meeting Mandelbrot & discovering a wealth of processes generating grey swans
+ Meeting Kahneman
+ The 3-day meeting with the Harvard geneticist George Church, involving Elon Musk, Anne Wojcicki, Larry Page, Richard Thaler, & others that triggered the non-naive version of the precautionary principle.
Month: July 2024
[Twitter | X] Nassim Nicholas Taleb Cites JAMA Study to Reinforce Critique of Statistical Gerrymandering in Drug Recommendations
Link to JAMA study: jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2821340
[YouTube] A Discussion With Scott Patterson’s About His Book Chaos Kings, Part 1
Scott Patterson discusses with Nassim N Taleb his book Chaos Kings, chapter by chapter. This is Part 1.
[YouTube] Nassim Nicholas Taleb on Investment, Hedging, and Mishedging | AIM Summit London 2024
“Nassim Nicholas Taleb on Investment, Hedging, and Mishedging” at AIM Summit London Edition 2024 Speaker Nassim Nicholas Taleb – Author, The Black Swan; Distinguished Scientific Advisor, Universa Investments L.P. Moderator Julia Chatterley – Anchor and Correspondent, CNN International
[X] Nassim Nicholas Taleb Explains Why Economists Struggle in Practical Fields
Link to tweet – x.com/nntaleb/status/1810010163270619255
[Twitter/X] Nassim Nicholas Taleb Explains the Research Surge in Developing Countries
Paper: Anatolian genetic ancestry in North Lebanese populations
Lebanon’s rich history as a cultural crossroad spanning millennia has significantly impacted the genetic composition of its population through successive waves of migration and conquests from surrounding regions. Within modern-day Lebanon, the Koura district stands out with its unique cultural foundations, primarily characterized by a notably high concentration of Greek Orthodox Christians compared to the rest of the country. This study investigates whether the prevalence of Greek Orthodoxy in Koura can be attributed to modern Greek heritage or continuous blending resulting from the ongoing influx of refugees and trade interactions with Greece and Anatolia. We analyzed both ancient and modern DNA data from various populations in the region which could have played a role in shaping the current population of Koura using our own and published data. Our findings indicate that the genetic influence stemming directly from modern Greek immigration into the area appears to be limited. While the historical presence of Greek colonies has left its mark on the region’s past, the distinctive character of Koura seems to have been primarily shaped by cultural and political factors, displaying a stronger genetic connection mostly with Anatolia, with affinity to ancient but not modern Greeks.
Link to paper – www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-66191-x.epdf
TOPICS: 2nd law, generative AI, computational Irreducibility, climate modeling. Stephen Wolfram’s discussion with participants at the Real World Risk Institute Summer School 2024, with Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Robert Frey, Raphael Douady, and others.