Hierarchy of distributions in term of fat-tailedness (PDF):
https:// dl. dropbox user content. com/u/ 50282823/ fattailedness. pdf
Fat Tails and (Anti)fragility:
http://www. fooled by randomness. com/ FatTails. html
.org (UNOFFICIAL news site)
Hierarchy of distributions in term of fat-tailedness (PDF):
https:// dl. dropbox user content. com/u/ 50282823/ fattailedness. pdf
Fat Tails and (Anti)fragility:
http://www. fooled by randomness. com/ FatTails. html
… sorry, just a quick one, … a question …
How is a Parabolic fractal distribution relating to all of this? I like to bring some noise to it, too…
… there is a very interesting thing, that has some more potential:
* Fibonacci Numbers hidden in the Mandelbrot Set – Numberphile,
* This equation will change how you see the world (the logistic map).
And the question about some chaotic systems, and some order in it. For example that might be interesting to so many, many things, just needs some smart guy to make sense of it…
… Sorry, if this is not right spot to put this post, but it is useful, after all…