☞ Joe Weisenthal at Business Insider writes about Musician Brian Eno’s recent letter to Nassim in A Glam Rocker’s Letter To Nassim Taleb On The Lessons Of Fukushima Is The Smartest Thing You Will Read All Day. The Long Now Foundation Blogs about it also.
☞ Matthew Boesler on Nassim’s recent Twitter exchanges with Karl Whelan. Also see Karl Whelan at Forbes weighs in.
☞ letterstoayoungadvocate.com posts about a recent exchange with Nassim in the Q&A at his talk at Concordia University:
“In his book Antifragile, he writes about how one of his characters, Nero Tulip (who is based on Taleb), never donates to charities that have someone drawing a salary, and that he never donates when asked. Knowing a number of dedicated & thoughtful workers in the social sector, this did not sit well. After his talk ended, I decided to ask a question about this: “If I work for a charity, and we genuinely do good work, and I draw a modest salary, is it not my duty to tell the world about my work and to ask for donations?”
☞ Nassim Taleb’s Barbell Theory applied to Photography? In essence make photo shoots short and intensive; Try keep photography as a hobby or play; Optionality in shooting lots of photos but only keeping/displaying the best; The tails is where the action and insight is so pay attention to your best and worst photos.
☞ A new blog Antifragile Life; Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love volatility.
☞ Steve Miller criticises “authoritative” public-policy macroeconomists in his blog post The Data and Bias of Macroeconomics.
☞ John Sullivan writes about Nassim’s new book Antifragile and the importance of looking at market’s fragility rather than risk, and how markets require stressors to thrive.